Zakrz贸wek - scenic walking route around the reservoir

max 229 m min 214 m
straighten 2.3km
timer 42min
north_east 51m
south_east 51m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties

Zakrz贸wek is not just a swimming area! The path around the reservoir is one of the most scenic walking routes in Krakow. It's worth visiting any time of the year!

Around the reservoir, you will find many kilometers of walking paths with benches, swings, and viewpoints of the quarry and Wawel Castle. The reservoir area also connects with Twardowski Park and Rocks.

  • The paths closest to the quarry are rocky, gravelly, and mostly sunny - this is where the viewpoints are located.
  • A bit further from the reservoir, there are asphalt paths - perfect for biking, rollerblading, or walking with a stroller. They are mostly shaded.
  • On the opposite shore from the swimming area is Twardowski Park with asphalt walking paths and benches.
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry

Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry

The walking route circles the entire reservoir, offering numerous viewpoints. You can admire the turquoise water and beautiful limestone rocks. There is a railing along the entire shore, so it's safe to walk with children. The route starts near Twardowskiego Street, where the main entrance to Zakrz贸wek Park is located, but you can also enter the path from other sides.

Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry

Viewpoints on the route around Zakrz贸wek

Following the path around the reservoir, you have the chance to admire its beauty from different perspectives. Along the route, there are numerous viewpoints offering wonderful views of the lake and the surrounding area. These are perfect spots for a break and taking photos.

It's especially worth visiting at different times of the year!

On the route, besides numerous views of the reservoir, you also have a view in the other direction - towards Krakow's Old Town. You can see the observation balloon rising above the Vistula River and Wawel Castle. The steep, rocky cliff and people walking below also make a strong impression.

Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry - view of Wawel
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry - view of Wawel
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry - view towards Wawel
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry - view towards Wawel

Here is a view of the path overlooking the beach, photo taken in early spring:

Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry
Scenic route around Zakrz贸wek quarry

Rest areas

Along the route, there are benches, wooden loungers, and swings where you can sit and enjoy the views. There is also a lounging area near the water's edge, close to the swimming area.

Benches and rest areas at Zakrz贸wek
Benches and rest areas at Zakrz贸wek
Path around Zakrz贸wek quarry
Path around Zakrz贸wek quarry

Educational board

Along the path, there is an educational board where you can learn more about the history of Zakrz贸wek, its geology, and local flora and fauna.

Educational board at Zakrz贸wek
Educational board at Zakrz贸wek

Asphalt paths around Zakrz贸wek quarry

Around the reservoir, you will also find many asphalt paths - they are located further from the quarry walls - great for rollerblading, biking, or walking with a stroller. They are mostly shaded and connect with Twardowski Park.

Asphalt and gravel paths around Zakrz贸wek
Asphalt and gravel paths around Zakrz贸wek
Asphalt paths around Zakrz贸wek
Asphalt paths around Zakrz贸wek
Asphalt paths around Zakrz贸wek
Asphalt paths around Zakrz贸wek

Legend of Mr. Twardowski

According to legend, the famous Krakow sorcerer Jan Twardowski had his alchemical workshop near the quarry. It is said that a powerful explosion in his laboratory caused the formation of the local rocks. Maybe when you go on a trip, you can take our coloring book with you, which you can download below:

Pan Twardowski

Pan Twardowski

Once upon a time, there lived a sorcerer named Jan Twardowski in Krakow. He knew that with the help of the devil, he would have greater power for his spells. ...

Read more about the swimming area and floating pools at Zakrz贸wek here:

Zakrz贸wek Swimming Area - Floating Pools and Beach

Zakrz贸wek Swimming Area - Floating Pools and Beach

Swimming area at Zakrz贸wek in Krakow ...

Zakrz贸wek reservoir swimming area
Zakrz贸wek reservoir swimming area
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