Yellow and blue trail from Krynica-Zdrój to Góra Krzyżowa and Słotwiny tower

Nearby: Nowy Sącz
max 859 m min 573 m
straighten 3.8km
timer 1h 47min
north_east 336m
south_east 50m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade
restaurant  Restaurant or bar nearby
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus
train  Access by train possible
wc  Toilet along the route

The blue and yellow trails start from the main promenade in Krynica-Zdrój and lead to the scenic Góra Krzyżowa, and then to Drabiakówka, including the observation tower and tree-top walk in Słotwiny. The route goes through the forest, but there are several beautiful viewpoints along the way.

Blue and yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa and Słotwiny tower
Blue and yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa and Słotwiny tower

Start of the yellow and blue trails in Krynica-Zdrój

Both the yellow and blue trails cross Krynica-Zdrój near the main promenade of the spa town. One direction leads to Góra Parkowa, the other to Góra Krzyżowa and the Słotwiny tower.

Trail intersection near the spa promenade in Krynica-Zdrój
Trail intersection near the spa promenade in Krynica-Zdrój

Yellow and blue trail - ascent to Góra Krzyżowa

After entering the forest, the path climbs gently without any particularly steep sections.

Blue and yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa (and further to Słotwiny)
Blue and yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa (and further to Słotwiny)

Before the main climb, it's worth stopping at the viewpoint overlooking Krynica and Góra Parkowa. The next viewpoint is on Góra Krzyżowa!

Viewpoint on the blue and yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa
Viewpoint on the blue and yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa

Split of the yellow and blue trails near Góra Krzyżowa

The blue and yellow trails split just below the summit of Góra Krzyżowa: the blue trail turns right and crosses a ski slope (this passage is closed in winter!). The yellow trail climbs to the very top, to the upper station of the Henryk chairlift and to the cross that gives the mountain its name.

Split of the yellow and blue trails near Góra Krzyżowa
Split of the yellow and blue trails near Góra Krzyżowa

Site of the former ski jump

The yellow trail climbs to the summit, but before reaching it, it's worth taking a side path to see information about the former ski jump. Now it's clear why the slope we're climbing is so steep!

Site of the former ski jump on the yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa
Site of the former ski jump on the yellow trail to Góra Krzyżowa

Fortunately, the steep climb is not long, and after about 20 minutes, we reach the ridge (the path flattens out), and after another 5-10 minutes, we reach the summit of Góra Krzyżowa!

Yellow trail on Góra Krzyżowa
Yellow trail on Góra Krzyżowa

Góra Krzyżowa, 812 meters above sea level

The summit may not be very prominent, but it offers a nice view of Krynica-Zdrój, the surrounding hills, and the green ridges of the Low Beskids.

Góra Krzyżowa, 812 meters above sea level - view of Krynica-Zdrój, upper station of the Henryk lift, and the commemorative cross
Góra Krzyżowa, 812 meters above sea level - view of Krynica-Zdrój, upper station of the Henryk lift, and the commemorative cross

Why is there a cross on Góra Krzyżowa?

A plaque at the cross explains that...

Cross on Góra Krzyżowa
Cross on Góra Krzyżowa

There is also a commemorative plaque (unrelated to the cross) at the summit.

Commemorative plaque of Father Józef Andrusz at the summit of Góra Krzyżowa
Commemorative plaque of Father Józef Andrusz at the summit of Góra Krzyżowa

From Góra Krzyżowa, we descend a comfortable forest path to the junction with the blue and also the green trail. These trails soon split again at Przełęcz Krzyżowa.

From here, the green trail descends to Czarny Potok, then climbs along the ski slope to the PTTK shelter on Jaworzyna Krynicka, and then to the summit of this majestic mountain.

Przełęcz Krzyżowa - split of the green, blue, and yellow trails
Przełęcz Krzyżowa - split of the green, blue, and yellow trails

Ascent to the Słotwiny tower

From Przełęcz Krzyżowa to the Słotwiny tower, it takes about half an hour. It's uphill again, but the elevation gain is only 100 meters. So, the path is easy and pleasant, still through the forest.

Blue and yellow trail from Przełęcz Krzyżowa to Drabiakówka and Słotwiny tower
Blue and yellow trail from Przełęcz Krzyżowa to Drabiakówka and Słotwiny tower

Along the way, we come across scenic clearings: first, when we reach the access road from Słotwiny to the northeast, including Lackowa.

View of Krynica-Zdrój, Huzaty, and in the background: Lackowa
View of Krynica-Zdrój, Huzaty, and in the background: Lackowa

...and then to the southeast, including the majestic summit of Jaworzyna Krynicka (the one with the mast, cable car, and ski slope).

Jaworzyna Krynicka - view from the meadows near Drabiakówka (near the Słotwiny tower)
Jaworzyna Krynicka - view from the meadows near Drabiakówka (near the Słotwiny tower)

* Look: this is what the clearing we're on looks like and our hiking goal: the observation tower 'from the other side,' that is, from the slopes of Jaworzyna Krynicka.

Słotwiny Tower seen from the green trail to Jaworzyna Krynicka
Słotwiny Tower seen from the green trail to Jaworzyna Krynicka

At this point, just below the tower, we can choose any path: both will lead us to our destination (the one on the left is a hiking trail, and the one on the right is an access road).

Hiking path to the Słotwiny tower
Hiking path to the Słotwiny tower

Słotwiny - observation tower, tree-top walk, and other attractions

Just a bit more through the forest, and we're there: here's the upper station of the chairlift, the observation tower, the tree-top walk, as well as a brine graduation tower, food stalls, and restrooms.

Słotwiny - upper station of the chairlift and tree-top walk
Słotwiny - upper station of the chairlift and tree-top walk

Read more about the attractions of this place here:

Słotwiny Observation Tower in Krynica Zdrój

Słotwiny Observation Tower in Krynica Zdrój

The observation tower in Krynica-Zdrój is a wooden structure reinforced with steel at the top of the Słotwiny Arena ski resort. ...

Return from Słotwiny to Krynica-Zdrój

From the observation tower, we can take the chairlift back to Krynica Słotwiny or walk back the same way we came (the descent back to the promenade takes about 1.5 hours).

For a change, we can also choose the green trail, which descends to Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego Street and Nitribitta Park in about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Green trail to Słotwiny tower on Drabiakówka


Green trail to Słotwiny tower on Drabiakówka

max 859 m min 592 m
straighten 3.1km
timer 1h 32min
north_east 304m
south_east 37m
Publish Date:

More in the Region Beskid Sądecki (Beskid Sądecki)
