To the tower on Polaczk贸wka from Rabka Zaryte

Nearby: Nowy Targ
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
straighten  Distance 1.7km
timer Time 46min
north_east Ascents 143m
south_east Descents 19m
Elevation Profile:
max 579 m min 449 m
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade

The blue trail from Rabka Zaryte to Polaczk贸wka is the shortest marked route to the lookout tower on this peak. The path mainly goes through the forest, in the shade, on a narrow but easy trail, without major terrain difficulties along the way.

Lookout tower on Polczak贸wka
Lookout tower on Polczak贸wka

Start of the blue trail to Polaczk贸wka in Rabka Zaryte

Starting the hike from Rabka Zaryte, you can leave your car in a large, free parking lot near the distinctive church with two towers:

Church and parking in Rabka Zaryte
Church and parking in Rabka Zaryte

...and maybe soon, you will be able to get here by train! Work on modernizing the railway line and building a station right at the trail intersection in Rabka Zaryte is ongoing!

Construction of the railway line and station in Rabka Zaryte near the blue trail
Construction of the railway line and station in Rabka Zaryte near the blue trail

From the parking lot, head west through the church grounds, along the access road next to the railway construction site.

Cross the bridge over the Raba River, which marks the boundary between the Beskid Wyspowy mountains behind you and the Gorce mountains ahead.

Bridge over the Raba River on the blue trail Rabka Zaryte - Polaczk贸wka - Rabka Zdr贸j
Bridge over the Raba River on the blue trail Rabka Zaryte - Polaczk贸wka - Rabka Zdr贸j

Stations of the Cross from Rabka Zaryte to Polaczk贸wka

Wooden Stations of the Cross accompany you on your hike. Station I is by the bridge over the Raba River, Station XIII is near the tower, and the last one - Station XIV - is at the Chapel of the Weeping Virgin Mary.

Stations of the Cross from Rabka Zaryte to Polaczk贸wka
Stations of the Cross from Rabka Zaryte to Polaczk贸wka
Chapel of the Weeping Virgin Mary on Polaczk贸wka
Chapel of the Weeping Virgin Mary on Polaczk贸wka

Note! The section of the trail between the bridge, the last buildings, and the forest entrance is a bit less marked - keep an eye on the signs and check the map!

The forest path is narrow but easy and pleasant. You will be ascending the whole time, but without any steep climbs.

Blue trail Rabka Zaryte - Polaczk贸wka
Blue trail Rabka Zaryte - Polaczk贸wka

After about 1.5 km (about half an hour) from entering the trail in Rabka Zaryte, you will reach a large clearing with this signpost:

Attention! This is where we turn off the blue trail to the lookout tower at the top of Polczak贸wka
Attention! This is where we turn off the blue trail to the lookout tower at the top of Polczak贸wka

Here, you need to turn left off the blue trail to reach the hidden peak of Polaczk贸wka and its lookout tower after about 200 meters. Note: the tower is not visible from the path, so pay attention not to miss the signpost!

Polaczk贸wka - peak and lookout tower

Learn more about the tower, the views, and what else you should know about the peak of Polaczk贸wka here:

Observation Tower on Polczak贸wka

Observation Tower on Polczak贸wka

The observation tower on Polczak贸wka, near Kr贸lewska G贸ra, is an easily accessible viewpoint located right next to the blue trail connecting Rabka-Zdr贸j and Rabka Zaryte. How to get to the tower and what can we see from the viewing platform? ...

View from the lookout tower on Polaczk贸wka towards the Gorce mountains
View from the lookout tower on Polaczk贸wka towards the Gorce mountains

Lookout tower on Polaczk贸wka and what's next?

You can return to Rabka Zaryte the same way in about 25 minutes. We also recommend going a bit further to the nearby (1 km from the tower) Grzebie艅 viewpoint, from where you can descend to Rabka Zaryte via the black trail. This way, you will return to the trail entrance in about 1 hour.

The entire loop Rabka Zaryte > blue trail > Polaczk贸wka > Grzebie艅 > black trail > Rabka Zaryte is 5.5 km with 250 meters of elevation gain, which can be completed in less than 2 hours.

Grzebie艅 seen from the blue trail Rabka-Zdr贸j - Polczak贸wka. This dirt road leads to a scenic meadow and the black trail Rabka-Zdr贸j - Grzebie艅 - Rabka-Zaryte.
Grzebie艅 seen from the blue trail Rabka-Zdr贸j - Polczak贸wka. This dirt road leads to a scenic meadow and the black trail Rabka-Zdr贸j - Grzebie艅 - Rabka-Zaryte.

Loop: Rabka Zaryte - tower on Polaczk贸wka - Rabka-Zdr贸j - Rabka S艂one - Grzebie艅 - Rabka Zaryte

If you feel like a longer hike, you can continue from the tower down the blue trail to Rabka-Zdr贸j:

From Rabka-Zdr贸j to the Lookout Tower on Polczak贸wka


From Rabka-Zdr贸j to the Lookout Tower on Polczak贸wka

max 580 m min 495 m
straighten 2.2km
timer 49min
north_east 110m
south_east 26m

...and return to Rabka Zaryte via the black trail through the Grzebie艅 viewpoint:

Black Trail Rabka-Zdr贸j - Rabka Zaryte through Grzebie艅


Black Trail Rabka-Zdr贸j - Rabka Zaryte through Grzebie艅

max 658 m min 447 m
straighten 5.8km
timer 1h 57min
north_east 200m
south_east 253m

This loop is a total of almost 9 km with 300 meters of elevation gain, which can be completed in less than 3 hours (not counting breaks):

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