The Shortest Route from Muszyna to the Observation Tower: Yellow Trail to Malnik

Nearby: Krynica-Zdr贸j
max 720 m min 447 m
straighten 2.2km
timer 1h 14min
north_east 278m
south_east 5m
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus
train  Access by train possible

The yellow trail to the new observation tower on Malnik from Muszyna is the shortest way to this newest attraction in the Beskid S膮decki mountains. The trail leads through a narrow forest path. It can be steep in places, but there are no major terrain difficulties.

Yellow trail in Muszyna-Zdr贸j
Yellow trail in Muszyna-Zdr贸j

Start of the Yellow Trail to the Observation Tower in Muszyna

The yellow trail crosses Muszyna-Zdr贸j near two interesting, historic buildings: the Starost's Manor (now a cozy restaurant) and the Regional Museum of the Muszyna State. Nearby, there are parking lots, and not far away, there is also a bus stop and the PKP Muszyna-Zdr贸j train station.

Starost's Manor in Muszyna-Zdr贸j
Regional Museum of the Muszyna State
Regional Museum of the Muszyna State

Initially, the yellow trails lead us through Muszyna's streets towards the forest. We climb uphill to a small parking lot by the roadside. Here, we must choose: do we follow the marked yellow trail (it will be steeper but faster and shaded), or do we choose the easier, scenic, but slightly longer route (then turn right). More about the unmarked route to Malnik >>>

Parking by the trail to Malnik - junction of the yellow trail and the convenient road through the fields
Parking by the trail to Malnik - junction of the yellow trail and the convenient road through the fields

Jewish Cemetery in Muszyna

Just before entering the forest, by the yellow trail, there is a well-maintained Jewish Cemetery. The gate is closed, but you can see dozens of tombstones on the steep slope from behind the fence.

Jewish Cemetery in Muszyna
Jewish Cemetery in Muszyna

After entering the forest, we face the most challenging part of the hike. For about 15-20 minutes, we climb a narrow forest path (but it is shaded).

The shortest yellow trail to the tower on Malnik from Muszyna
The shortest yellow trail to the tower on Malnik from Muszyna
The shortest yellow trail to the tower on Malnik from Muszyna
The shortest yellow trail to the tower on Malnik from Muszyna

After passing the telecommunications relay station, the path flattens out, and our destination is in sight:

Yellow trail to the tower on Malnik in Muszyna
Yellow trail to the tower on Malnik in Muszyna

Observation Tower on Malnik above Muszyna

Here it is: the observation tower on Malnik. At its base, there are benches and tables, and a portable toilet. On the observation deck, you can see views in all four directions!

New tower on Malnik in Muszyna
New tower on Malnik in Muszyna
Poprad Valley from the tower on Malnik in Muszyna
Poprad Valley from the tower on Malnik in Muszyna

More about the tower, what exactly you can see from its top, and other routes leading here are described in this article:

Observation tower in Muszyna: all trails to Malnik

Observation tower in Muszyna: all trails to Malnik

The observation tower in Muszyna is one of the newest tourist attractions in the Beskid S膮decki mountains. From the viewing terrace, you can see a panorama in all four directions, and on a clear day, you can even see the Tatra Mountains. ...

Back to Muszyna

From the tower on Malnik, we can return to Muszyna the same way: the descent will take about 30 minutes. If we have more time and want to enjoy more mountain views, we recommend descending to Muszyna via an unmarked but very scenic route!

The Easiest Route to the Lookout Tower on Malnik in Muszyna

directions_walk child_friendly

The Easiest Route to the Lookout Tower on Malnik in Muszyna

max 720 m min 448 m
straighten 3.3km
timer 1h 31min
north_east 278m
south_east 7m
Views from the convenient, unmarked road to the tower on Malnik in Muszyna
Views from the convenient, unmarked road to the tower on Malnik in Muszyna

If we feel like continuing the forest hike, we can follow the yellow trail to the junction with the blue signs under Grabami. Here, we turn left and descend the blue trail to Powro藕nik. This walk from Malnik to the PKP station in Powro藕nik will take about 2 hours (6 km). From Powro藕nik to Muszyna, we can return by train or bus.

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More in the Region Beskid S膮decki (Beskid S膮decki)
