The Easiest Route to the Lookout Tower on Malnik in Muszyna

Nearby: Krynica-Zdr贸j
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
straighten  Distance 3.3km
timer Time 1h 31min
north_east Ascents 278m
south_east Descents 7m
Elevation Profile:
max 720 m min 448 m
terrain  The slope of the terrain
stroller  Route for a stroller with large wheels
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus
train  Access by train possible

The easiest route to the new lookout tower on Malnik starts from Muszyna, going through country roads and meadows. Beautiful views await us not only at the tower but also along the way. This route is not marked, but with our help, you will surely reach your destination without any problems!

Views from the convenient, unmarked road to the tower on Malnik in Muszyna
Views from the convenient, unmarked road to the tower on Malnik in Muszyna

Starting the Route to the Lookout Tower in Muszyna

You can start your walk to the lookout tower on Malnik from any place in the town center: at the Muszyna-Zdr贸j train station (as shown on our map at the top of the article), near the Market Square, or at the parking lots by the bypass. First, follow the yellow trail signs on Ogrodowa Street.

Ogrodowa Street: yellow trail from Muszyna-Zdr贸j to the tower on Malnik.
Ogrodowa Street: yellow trail from Muszyna-Zdr贸j to the tower on Malnik.

We climb uphill until we reach this small parking area by the roadside:

Parking by the trail to Malnik - junction of the yellow trail and the convenient road through the fields
Parking by the trail to Malnik - junction of the yellow trail and the convenient road through the fields

Here we need to make a choice: do we follow the marked yellow trail (it will be steeper but quicker and shaded), or do we choose the easier, scenic, but slightly longer route by turning right.

Attention! After turning right, there are no more trail markings, but the path is so clear (without intersections and splits) that you definitely won't get lost!

Convenient road to the lookout tower on Malnik
Convenient road to the lookout tower on Malnik

Soon, the path will lead us to a scenic meadow, from where we can see Muszyna, the Poprad Valley, the castle towering above it, and the green hills of the S膮decki Beskids. It's worth stopping and looking back:

View from the road to Malnik
View from the road to Malnik

Views from the Road to the Tower on Malnik

The climb is made pleasant by views like these:

Scenic meadows near the top of Malnik
Scenic meadows near the top of Malnik

Road Split!

Basically, we follow the main road and don't worry about the paths branching off to the sides.

Pay attention to this spot: here, a road to the mountain settlement of Stad艂o branches off to the left from our route to the tower. We continue straight and still "uphill":

Road split! The main road goes left to the settlement. We go straight to the tower.
Road split! The main road goes left to the settlement. We go straight to the tower.

On the highest meadows, just below the forest hiding our destination, it's worth stopping for a moment (not only because there's a seasonal ice cream and waffle stand here!). The view from this picturesque spot is a great preview of what awaits us on the tower's viewing platform. In good visibility, we can already see the Tatra Mountains from here!

Scenic seasonal food stand (about 10 minutes from the tower on Malnik)
Scenic seasonal food stand (about 10 minutes from the tower on Malnik)

At the edge of the meadow, by the cross, we enter the forest. Here we meet the yellow trail signs again. In about 5 minutes, we will be at the foot of the tower.

Entrance to the forest just below the lookout tower on Malnik
Entrance to the forest just below the lookout tower on Malnik

Lookout Tower on Malnik above Muszyna

Here it is: the 40-meter lookout tower on Malnik. At its base, there are benches and tables, and a portable toilet nearby. On the viewing platform, the main attraction: views in all four directions!

New tower on Malnik in Muszyna
New tower on Malnik in Muszyna

More about the tower, what exactly we can see from its top, and other routes leading here are described in this article:

Observation tower in Muszyna: all trails to Malnik

Observation tower in Muszyna: all trails to Malnik

The observation tower in Muszyna is one of the newest tourist attractions in the Beskid S膮decki mountains. From the viewing terrace, you can see a panorama in all four directions, and on a clear day, you can even see the Tatra Mountains. ...

Poprad Valley from the tower on Malnik in Muszyna
Poprad Valley from the tower on Malnik in Muszyna

With a Stroller to the Tower on Malnik?

Can we reach the lookout tower on Malnik above Muszyna with a baby stroller? It won't be as easy as a park walk because the elevation difference is significant, and the path is quite steep in places. However, if you're not afraid of such challenges, it will be possible to reach the tower this way. As you can see in the photos above, we first walk on asphalt, then on concrete slabs. The last section is a dirt road, but it's even and wide enough that, as long as there are no puddles and mud, a stroller with large wheels should manage. Good luck!

Asphalt section of the road from Muszyna to the tower on Malnik. In the background, Muszyna Castle.
Asphalt section of the road from Muszyna to the tower on Malnik. In the background, Muszyna Castle.

Returning to Muszyna

We can return to Muszyna from the tower on Malnik the same way: the descent will take about 45 minutes.

If we're in a hurry, we can also take a shorter route through the forest. This way will be quicker but also steeper. Instead of a wide road, we'll walk on a narrow forest path.

The Shortest Route from Muszyna to the Observation Tower: Yellow Trail to Malnik


The Shortest Route from Muszyna to the Observation Tower: Yellow Trail to Malnik

max 720 m min 447 m
straighten 2.2km
timer 1h 14min
north_east 278m
south_east 5m
The shortest yellow trail to the tower on Malnik from Muszyna
The shortest yellow trail to the tower on Malnik from Muszyna

If we feel like a longer forest hike, we can continue on the yellow trail until it intersects with the blue signs under Grabami. Here we turn left and descend the blue trail to Powro藕nik. This walk, from the tower on Malnik to the train station in Powro藕nik, will take about 2 hours (6 km). From Powro藕nik to Muszyna, we can return by train or bus.

PS. We chose this route for our ranking "TOP 15: Easiest Mountain Trails for First Hikes with a Child". Discover them all!

TOP 15: Easiest mountain trails for the first hikes with children in Poland

TOP 15: Easiest mountain trails for the first hikes with children in Poland

When our toddler outgrows the carrier and wants to hike on their own, we need to choose a trail that suits their abilities. The satisfaction of conquering their first summit will be invaluable and will remain in the child's memory... and the parents' memory too! ...

Publish Date:

More in the Region Beskid S膮decki (Beskid S膮decki)
