Sokolica from Kro艣cienko - the easiest trail

Nearby: Szczawnica
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
straighten  Distance 3.4km
timer Time 1h 36min
north_east Ascents 306m
south_east Descents 67m
Elevation Profile:
max 694 m min 422 m
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus
warning  No dogs allowed

The Green Trail to Sokolica is the shortest route to Sokolica from Kro艣cienko nad Dunajcem. The path starts with an easy walk along the river and becomes steep only near the summit. Along the way, you will pass by several interesting spots, including those related to the legends of St. Kinga.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica

Why should you hike to Sokolica from Kro艣cienko?

By choosing this route, you don't have to worry about whether the Dunajec River crossing is open or wait in line for a raft. Additionally, this trail is much quieter than the most popular (and shortest) route from Szczawnica. On a hot summer day, you'll appreciate that the entire trail runs through the forest or along its edge.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica

Starting the Green Trail in Kro艣cienko

The Green Trail cuts through Kro艣cienko nad Dunajcem and leads in two directions: either along Jagiello艅ska Street and Trzech Koron Street (towards the peak with the same name) or up the Dunajec River along 艢w. Kingi Street. You can park near the National Park boundary (a small bay) or earlier in the market square or near the cemetery on 艢w. Kingi Street.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica

To reach Sokolica via the Green Trail, walk along 艢w. Kingi Street up the Dunajec River. Enter the Pieniny National Park (note: no dogs allowed!) and stroll along a comfortable, shaded forest path called 'Kras'.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - Pieniny National Park boundary
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - Pieniny National Park boundary

Attractions on the Green Trail to Sokolica from Kro艣cienko

Along the way, you will pass several interesting spots: a chapel, 'Zawiesy' rock, bridge ruins, and landslides with caves.

The St. Kinga Chapel reminds us of the legend where the princess fled from a Tatar invasion. She threw a ribbon behind her, which turned into the Dunajec River. It's said she left a footprint in a rock here, and a miraculous spring appeared where she cried (near the chapel).

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica: St. Kinga Chapel
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica: St. Kinga Chapel

It's also worth stopping at the 'Zawiesy' rock, which is full of interesting rock plants, and the ruins of a broken bridge. A road to Szczawnica used to pass here a hundred years ago, but the bridge was destroyed during a tragic flood in 1934.

At a bend in the Dunajec River, where legend says grain ripened instantly to hide the fleeing Princess Kinga, our path turns right and finally starts to climb uphill.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - entering the forest
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - entering the forest

As you walk through the forest, you'll pass a clearing with a view of the western part of the Radziejowa Range, including Bryjarka and Bere艣nik above Szczawnica.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - view of Szczawnica
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - view of Szczawnica

Caves under Sosnowem 'Dziury'

As you climb through the forest, pay attention to the rock crevices along the way. This landslide area is called 'Dziury'. It's said you can find small landslide caves here.

Sosn贸w Pass - Trail Intersection

About an hour after entering the Pieniny National Park, you will reach Sosn贸w Pass, where the Green Trail ends. Follow the blue signs to the left.

Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - Sosn贸w Pass
Green Trail from Kro艣cienko to Sokolica - Sosn贸w Pass

Just before the path to the summit of Sokolica, there is a ticket checkpoint (entry fee, discount for KDR). The final stretch to the summit is a short, steep climb over limestone rocks and roots. Be careful! It can be slippery and crowded!

Entrance Fee to the Pieniny National Park below the Sokolica Summit
Entrance Fee to the Pieniny National Park below the Sokolica Summit
Sokolica - Ascent to the Summit
Sokolica - Ascent to the Summit

Sokolica Summit, 747 meters above sea level

At the summit: a beautiful view!

View from Sokolica - famous pine tree against Holica
View from Sokolica - famous pine tree against Holica

Learn more about Sokolica, the views, the famous pine tree, and other trails to the summit in this article:

Sokolica - trails to the scenic peak in the Pieniny Mountains

Sokolica - trails to the scenic peak in the Pieniny Mountains

Sokolica (747 meters above sea level) is a scenic peak in the Pieniny Mountains. From here, you can see the picturesque Dunajec River Gorge, nearby Pieniny and Beskid hills, and the Tatra Mountains. What should you know about Sokolica and which trail to choose to reach the top? ...

PS. You can return to Kro艣cienko the same way (the descent takes about 30-40 minutes).

You can also continue on the blue trail westward towards Czertezika. After about 20-30 minutes, past the viewpoint at Czertezika, you will reach green signs that bypass Czerte偶 (the most challenging part of the Sokola Per膰) and lead you back to Kro艣cienko - a total of about 4 km (1:20 min).

A longer but more scenic route with the attractions of 'Sokola Per膰' is to follow the blue trail through Czertezik and Czerte偶 to Bajk贸w Gro艅. From there, yellow signs will lead you back to Kro艣cienko. The total descent from Sokolica to Czerte偶 to Kro艣cienko takes about 2 hours (5.5 km).

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More in the Region Pieniny (Pieniny)
