From Rabka-Zdrój to the Lookout Tower on Polczakówka

Nearby: Nowy Targ
max 580 m min 495 m
straighten 2.2km
timer 49min
north_east 110m
south_east 26m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
terrain  The slope of the terrain
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus

A walk from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka is an easy and scenic trail for the whole family. Through meadows and country roads, we reach a tower hidden in the forest, which, although not very high, rises above the surrounding trees.

View from the lookout tower on Polczakówka to the west: Babia Góra and Pasmo Polic
View from the lookout tower on Polczakówka to the west: Babia Góra and Pasmo Polic

Rabka-Zdrój: Blue Trail to the Tower on Polczakówka and Rabka-Zaryte

You will find the blue trail in Rabka-Zdrój near the Słonka stream, at the intersection of Jana Pawła II, Poniatowskiego, and Słoneczna streets, just below the main Zdrojowy house and the children's favorite fountain with elephants.

The easiest place to park your car is in this area or a bit higher, near the City Hospital. Later, although you will still be walking on streets, there will be no more parking spaces (only private properties and no designated parking spots).

Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka - Słoneczna Street
Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka - Słoneczna Street

The first part of our walk is climbing up the sidewalk on Słoneczna Street. Along the way, we pass a center for blind children and a path to the old Jewish cemetery.

Just past the Creative Work House of UJ, the blue signs turn right (on this section we will walk without a sidewalk) and soon the asphalt road turns into a dirt road. From here to the lookout tower, we have just over 1 km to go, mostly flat, with a gentle uphill slope.

Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka: end of asphalt, entering dirt roads
Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka: end of asphalt, entering dirt roads

The dirt roads north of Rabka-Zdrój offer beautiful views of the town and the surrounding hills. As we continue walking on dirt roads, remember to wear a hat and use sunscreen on sunny days!

Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka - here you can turn towards Grzebień on an unmarked, rocky road.
Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka - here you can turn towards Grzebień on an unmarked, rocky road.

Just before reaching the destination, we walk a narrow path through the forest:

Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka
Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka

About 1 km from the end of the asphalt, we cross a clearing with this signpost:

Attention! This is where we turn off the blue trail to the lookout tower at the top of Polczakówka
Attention! This is where we turn off the blue trail to the lookout tower at the top of Polczakówka

Here we need to turn left off the blue trail to reach the top of Polczakówka and the lookout tower hidden behind the trees after about 200 meters. Note: the tower itself is not visible from our path, so pay attention not to miss the signpost!

More about the tower, the views, and what else you should know about the top of Polczakówka can be found here:

Observation Tower on Polczakówka

Observation Tower on Polczakówka

The observation tower on Polczakówka, near Królewska Góra, is an easily accessible viewpoint located right next to the blue trail connecting Rabka-Zdrój and Rabka Zaryte. How to get to the tower and what can we see from the viewing platform? ...

Lookout tower on Polczakówka
Lookout tower on Polczakówka

From Rabka-Zdrój to the Tower on Polczakówka with a Stroller?

As you can see in the photos, the road to the tower is not designed or adapted for strollers, but the section you need to cover on dirt roads is only about 1200 meters. If it is relatively dry (not early spring with melting snow or after heavy rains) and your stroller has large, off-road wheels, you should be able to reach the tower!

Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka
Blue trail from Rabka-Zdrój to the lookout tower on Polczakówka

Lookout Tower on Polczakówka and What Next?

We will return to Rabka-Zdrój the same way in about 40 minutes. You can also visit the scenic Grzebień peak on the way, from where you can descend to Rabka Słone via the black trail. You will return to the trail entrance in about 1.5 hours.

Grzebień seen from the blue trail Rabka-Zdrój - Polczakówka. This dirt road leads to a scenic meadow and the black trail Rabka-Zdrój - Grzebień - Rabka-Zaryte.
Grzebień seen from the blue trail Rabka-Zdrój - Polczakówka. This dirt road leads to a scenic meadow and the black trail Rabka-Zdrój - Grzebień - Rabka-Zaryte.

Loop: Rabka-Zdrój - Tower on Polczakówka - Rabka Zaryte - Grzebień - Rabka Słone - Rabka-Zdrój

If you want a longer hike, from the tower you can continue on the blue trail to Rabka Zaryte (definitely without a stroller - the forest path is narrow and steep in places):

To the tower on Polaczkówka from Rabka Zaryte


To the tower on Polaczkówka from Rabka Zaryte

max 579 m min 449 m
straighten 1.7km
timer 46min
north_east 143m
south_east 19m

...and return to Rabka-Zdrój via the black trail through scenic Grzebień:

Black Trail Rabka-Zdrój - Rabka Zaryte through Grzebień


Black Trail Rabka-Zdrój - Rabka Zaryte through Grzebień

max 658 m min 447 m
straighten 5.8km
timer 1h 57min
north_east 200m
south_east 253m

This loop is a total of less than 9 km, with a 300 m elevation gain, which can be completed in less than 3 hours (not counting breaks).

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