Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka

Nearby: Ustrzyki Dolne
max 1292 m min 689 m
straighten 4.4km
timer 2h 36min
north_east 606m
south_east 9m
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade
directions_car  Access by car
warning  No dogs allowed

The Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka from Rzeczyca and Ustrzyki G贸rne is a beautiful forest route. After climbing through the beech forest, we can enjoy magnificent views from the vast meadows on Wielka and Ma艂a Rawka, as well as the opportunity to reach the tripoint of borders on Krzemieniec (Kremenaros).

Blue Trail Ustrzyki G贸rne - Rzeczyca - Wielka Rawka
Blue Trail Ustrzyki G贸rne - Rzeczyca - Wielka Rawka

Starting point of the Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka: Ustrzyki G贸rne and Rzeczyca

If we are starting our hike using public transportation, we start from Ustrzyki G贸rne and have to walk about 2 km uphill along the Rzeczyca river valley on an asphalt road. If we can drive, we can leave our car in the parking area where the trail enters the forest.

Rzeczyca, parking by the Blue Trail Ustrzyki G贸rne - Wielka Rawka
Rzeczyca, parking by the Blue Trail Ustrzyki G贸rne - Wielka Rawka

In addition to the parking area, there is also a ticket office for the Bieszczady National Park (tickets, souvenirs, restroom) as well as tables and benches.

Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka

The first section of our forest trail is a pleasant walk along a gently ascending wide path. We cross the Rzeczyca river and walk up one of its tributaries.

Start of the Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka and Kremenaros
Start of the Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka and Kremenaros

Many parts of the trail are built on wooden walkways or steps, which make the hike much easier, especially after rainfall in spring or autumn.

Nature Trail "Wielka Rawka"

An additional attraction on the trail are the stops of the "Wielka Rawka" nature trail (a detailed guide to each stop can be purchased at the ticket office). The trail has a total of 46 stops. The first one is located at the Rzeczyca parking area, and the last one is at the Wy偶nia艅ska Pass parking area.

Nature Trail "Wielka Rawka"
Nature Trail "Wielka Rawka"

The nature trail also helps us keep track of "how far is left" to the summit. Stops number 26 and 27 await us at the peaks of Wielka Rawka, and stop number 33 at Ma艂a Rawka.

Ascending Wielka Rawka via the Blue Trail

Approximately halfway through our journey, about 1 hour from the parking area, we will find a sheltered gazebo. It's a good place to rest and gather strength because it will soon start getting steeper! The path will ascend through a beautiful beech forest.

Gazebo - resting spot on the Blue Trail Ustrzyki G贸rne - Rzeczyca - Wielka Rawka - Krzemieniec
Gazebo - resting spot on the Blue Trail Ustrzyki G贸rne - Rzeczyca - Wielka Rawka - Krzemieniec
Blue trail to Big Rawka - steep ascent
Blue trail to Big Rawka - steep ascent

On a small clearing, we will be able to see our destination: the ridge of Wielka Rawka with a distinctive concrete pillar on the summit. Just a little more climbing between dwarf rowans, and we will reach the top! Well, the "first summit".

View from the Blue Trail on the ridge and summit of Wielka Rawka
View from the Blue Trail on the ridge and summit of Wielka Rawka
Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka - steep ascent
Blue Trail to Wielka Rawka - steep ascent

Wielka Rawka - summit at 1304 m above sea level

Our Blue Trail reaches a sign that says "Wielka Rawka", but it's not yet the "real" Rawka that we conquer, only its side peak.

Wielka Rawka, 1304 m above sea level - lower peak on the Blue Trail
Wielka Rawka, 1304 m above sea level - lower peak on the Blue Trail

Nevertheless, the views from here are already enchanting! Behind us, to the east: Cary艅ska Polonina in all its glory.

Cary艅ska Polonina - view from the Blue Trail on Wielka Rawka and Kremenaros
Cary艅ska Polonina - view from the Blue Trail on Wielka Rawka and Kremenaros

To the southeast: the "Tarnica nest".

Nest of Tarnica - view of the lower peak of Big Rawka along the blue trail
Nest of Tarnica - view of the lower peak of Big Rawka along the blue trail

And to the north: in the foreground, Ma艂a Rawka, and in the background, Wetli艅ska Polonina.

Cary艅ska Polonina - view from the Blue Trail on Wielka Rawka and Kremenaros
Cary艅ska Polonina - view from the Blue Trail on Wielka Rawka and Kremenaros

To reach the summit, we follow the yellow trail to the right and after about 300 meters of a pleasant scenic walk, we reach the highest point marked by a large concrete pillar.

Wielka Rawka, summit 1307 m above sea level
Wielka Rawka, summit 1307 m above sea level

More information about both Rawkas, the views, and other trails leading here:

Small and Big Rawka. All trails to Rawki

Small and Big Rawka. All trails to Rawki

Rawki, or Big Rawka (1307 m above sea level) and Small Rawka (1272 m above sea level) are scenic peaks in the Bieszczady Mountains, famous for their beautiful meadows and panoramic views in all directions. How to get there and which trail to choose for Rawki? What can you see from Small Rawka and Big Rawka? ...

Wielka Rawka - What's next?

We can return to the Rzeczyca parking area using the same trail - the descent on the Blue Trail takes about 1 hour (to the center of Ustrzyki G贸rne - about 1.5 hours).

We can also continue further on the yellow trail to Ma艂a Rawka (about 20 minutes), and from there descend on the green trail through Bac贸wka pod Ma艂膮 Rawk膮 to the Wy偶nia艅ska Pass (about 45 minutes). Here, we can try to catch a bus or hitchhike to return to Ustrzyki G贸rne (6 km on an asphalt road).

From Wielka Rawka, it is also worth taking a walk to Krzemieniec / Kremenaros, which is the famous tripoint of the borders of Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia (2 km, about 40 minutes one way).

From Ma艂a and Wielka Rawka to Krzemieniec / Kremenaros


From Ma艂a and Wielka Rawka to Krzemieniec / Kremenaros

max 1293 m min 1133 m
straighten 3.2km
timer 1h 8min
north_east 138m
south_east 195m
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