Undergrounds in Sandomierz: Underground Tourist Route

Rynek 10
27-600 Sandomierz
call (15) 832 08 43    link sandomierskiepodziemia.eu

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The Undergrounds in Sandomierz and the Underground Tourist Route are one of the biggest attractions of this picturesque town by the Vistula River. Is it worth visiting and what will we see during the tour?

Sandomierz Underground - route
Sandomierz Underground - route

Visiting the Undergrounds in Sandomierz

If you are planning to visit Sandomierz, it's worth starting your adventure with this charming town right here! Why? Here you will learn everything important about the history of the town, about the most important figures associated with it, and also about interesting places in the area.

Sandomierz: Underground Tourist Route - attractions

Of course, the attraction itself is walking through the labyrinth of underground corridors! Sometimes it will be narrow, sometimes wide, bright... or a bit dark.

Sandomierz Underground - Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz. Mining corridor.
Sandomierz Underground - Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz. Mining corridor.

Along the way, the guide will tell us legends, including the most famous one about Halina Kr臋piance: a girl who saved the city from the Tatars by leading them into an underground corridor with no exit.

Sandomierz Underground - legend of Halina Kr臋piance
Sandomierz Underground - legend of Halina Kr臋piance

We will also learn the true history of the city, its famous inhabitants, as well as where the underground rooms came from, what is their connection and impact on the history of the city.

Most attractions await us in the multimedia room. Here we will watch a short film adaptation of the legend and meet the most important historical figures associated with Sandomierz, including Jan D艂ugosz, St. Jacek, Marcin of Urz臋d贸w, and many others.

Sandomierz Underground - multimedia room
Sandomierz Underground - multimedia room
Sandomierz Underground - multimedia room
Sandomierz Underground - multimedia room

Further rooms feature small thematic exhibitions, related to various aspects of the city's history and traditions, e.g. archaeological exhibition, wine room, and even a story about the Sandomierz executioner:

Sandomierz Underground - visit to the executioner
Sandomierz Underground - visit to the executioner

In several underground rooms, there are presentations of local attractions and interesting places (including invitations to Sandomierz castle, to the museum in Dom D艂ugosza, or to the Porcelain Factory in nearby 膯miel贸w).

Sandomierz Underground - 膯miel贸w porcelain exhibition
Sandomierz Underground - 膯miel贸w porcelain exhibition

Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz - practical information

  • we visit the route in groups with a guide
  • the tour lasts approx. 1 hour
  • the tour route is 470 m long
  • along the way, we climb several dozen steps - it is not possible to visit with a pram
  • the entrance and exit of the route are in different places (but not far from each other).
  • the temperature in the underground is constant approx. 10 degrees. If you are visiting on a hot summer day, remember to bring warmer clothing!
Sandomierz Underground - Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz
Sandomierz Underground - Underground Tourist Route in Sandomierz

PS. This place made it to our list of favorite places in Sandomierz. Check out the rest!

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