Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j

ul. S膮decka 4
34-700 Rabka Zdr贸j
call 795 222 925    link

check_circle  In a room
check_circle  Outdoors
check_circle  Access by train
check_circle  Parking
check_circle  Restroom available
check_circle  Attractions for children
check_circle  Activities for children of all ages

The Museum of Highlanders and Robbers named after Jan Fudala in Rabka-Zdr贸j is an amazing place for the whole family! Historic interiors and historical exhibits are combined here with interactive play stations, where we can not only touch selected objects but also play with them!

Toy corner in the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j
Toy corner in the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j

What will we see in the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers?

The main part of the exhibition is located in the historic cottage of the museum's patron and founder, Jan Fudala. Pay attention to the coffered ceiling with glass paintings created by the host (a folk artist and athlete).

"Painted ceiling" in Jan Fudala
"Painted ceiling" in Jan Fudala's cottage, Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j

In the next rooms, we will see elements of traditional highlander clothing (and try them on!), wooden toys, Christmas and Easter decorations, and highlander kitchen equipment - here we will learn about the highlander menu for the whole day!

Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j - highlander costumes to try on
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j - highlander costumes to try on

In addition to the traditional exhibition, there are stations where we can touch and try to use various objects, and there are also multimedia screens with films and touch games.

Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j - multimedia stations
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j - multimedia stations

Outdoor part of the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers

In addition to Jan Fudala's cottage, there are several smaller buildings on the museum grounds, including:

  • "robber's palace" with robber treasures and figures of the most famous robber leaders
  • a nativity scene with a puppet show about the robber Tomek Lubo艅 (using puppets, we can tell a local legend ourselves)
  • a shepherd's hut
  • a Loreto bell tower with a bell to ward off rain clouds
  • a chapel with religious figures
  • a robber's dungeon
Shepherd's hut in the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j: treasures in the robber
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j: treasures in the robber's palace
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j: "Janosik
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j: "Janosik's jump"

Museum of Highlanders and Robbers - attractions for children

As you can see from the descriptions above, there are many attractions for the youngest visitors, literally at every step, not just in one separate corner. While visiting the museum, we try, among other things, how to lie on a straw mattress, how to stomp cabbage, carry a yoke, scrub wooden boards, wash on a washboard, iron with a soul iron, press oscypek cheese, sweep with a twig broom, and even how to be punished in stocks.

Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j
Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j

Additionally, each visitor receives a museum map with special tasks to complete. This is an extra motivation to visit all corners of the museum and pay attention to individual exhibits. Moreover, after completing them, we will receive a commemorative sticker!

Task card to complete in the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j
Task card to complete in the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j

Workshops at the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers

A visit to the museum can be complemented by workshops where we will prepare a regional souvenir, such as a felt trinket, a painted wooden toy, or a glass painting. These workshops can be purchased individually or for a group.

Workshops at the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j
Workshops at the Museum of Highlanders and Robbers in Rabka-Zdr贸j

Museum of Highlanders and Robbers - practical information

  • the museum is open every day
  • reserve at least 1 hour for the visit, and definitely more with workshops!
  • moving with a stroller is possible, but due to narrow passages and uneven terrain, it will be quite difficult. It will be more convenient to leave it at the museum ticket office
  • the museum grounds, except for J. Fudala's cottage, can be visited with a dog
  • toilet available
  • parking right next to the museum for 1-2 cars
Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2024-08-01