Wojciech Bednarski Park

Town: Krak贸w

check_circle  Slopes
check_circle  Asphalt roads
check_circle  Stroller-friendly
check_circle  Bike paths
check_circle  Small cyclist paths
check_circle  Rollerblading-friendly
check_circle  Sledding hill
check_circle  Soccer field
check_circle  Mainly in the shade
check_circle  Children's playground
check_circle  Restaurant or bar nearby
check_circle  Shop nearby
check_circle  Convenient parking
check_circle  Accessible by public transport

Bednarski Park is a densely wooded park in the Podg贸rze district of Krakow. The paths here are asphalt, but not only that. There are many charming corners - the park's landscape is varied by limestone rocks. Interestingly, the park was created on the site of a former medieval quarry, and it was established while the quarry was still in operation!

In the 1950s, a large ice rink operated at the bottom of the former quarry during winter, attracting many families. Colorful lanterns hung above the ice, and an orchestra played, creating a wonderful, unique atmosphere perfect for meetings and fun.

The park has been recently renovated - it's worth seeing the result!

Bednarski Park
Bednarski Park
Bednarski Park
Bednarski Park

New SHADED Playground! 

The biggest attraction of the park will surely delight its youngest visitors - a new playground with a large slide and attractions for toddlers has been built. Importantly, the playground is well-shaded, which is great for the upcoming hot days!

Playground in Bednarski Park
Playground in Bednarski Park
Paths in Bednarski Park
Paths in Bednarski Park
Limestone rocks in Bednarski Park
Limestone rocks in Bednarski Park
Current Playground - Bednarski Park
Current Playground - Bednarski Park

In addition to the playground, there are rest areas and a gym for adults:

Deck Chairs
Deck Chairs

Bird and Animal Watching

The park is home to many species of birds and squirrels, which are tame enough to take hazelnuts from your hand. With a bit of luck, you might spot a hare. Walking towards the gym, you can see a tawny owl box. Near the playground, there are nesting boxes inhabited by birds like tits.

Nesting Box in Bednarski Park
Nesting Box in Bednarski Park

Bednarski Park - Stroller Entrances

Convenient stroller entrances are located on Parkowa Street (Lasoty Square) and Krzemionki Street (near the TVP Krakow TV tower). Parking is also available there. At the entrance to the park from Niepodleg艂o艣ci Square, you will encounter high stairs. 

Map of Bednarski Park
Map of Bednarski Park
Stairs at the park entrance from Niepodleg艂o艣ci Square.
Stairs at the park entrance from Niepodleg艂o艣ci Square.
Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2023-05-16