Tower on Cergowa Mountain - Views and Trails to the Peak

Town: Dukla

check_circle  Slopes
check_circle  Mainly in the shade
check_circle  Convenient parking
check_circle  Accessible by bus

Cergowa near Dukla (716 meters above sea level) is not the highest peak in the Low Beskids, but it is definitely one of the most distinctive. The steep slopes of Cergowa Mountain and its unique shape have earned it the nickname 'Dukla's Giewont'. What else should you know about Cergowa? How to reach its peak and what can you see from the observation tower?

Table of Contents
View from the tower on Cergowa
View from the tower on Cergowa

All Trails to Cergowa

At the top of Cergowa, two hiking trails intersect. One is the longest mountain trail in Poland: the red-marked Main Beskid Trail. The other is a local municipal path marked with yellow arrows. Which route to the top of Cergowa should you choose and why?

Trail intersection at the top of Cergowa
Trail intersection at the top of Cergowa

Recommended Trail to Cergowa

Out of the 4 routes available, we highly recommend the red trail from Nowa Wieś nad Jasiołką. By approaching the peak from the south, you will avoid climbing the steep northern slopes.

Cergowa from Nowa WieÅ› - Red Trail to the Observation Tower


Cergowa from Nowa WieÅ› - Red Trail to the Observation Tower

max 704 m min 341 m
straighten 3.0km
timer 1h 40min
north_east 371m
south_east 15m
Red Trail to Cergowa - a pleasant forest path among beeches
Red Trail to Cergowa - a pleasant forest path among beeches

From Zawadka Rymanowska to Cergowa

The yellow path from Zawadka Rymanowska also goes along the southern slopes, so there are no steep climbs here either. The total distance is 3.3 km, with an elevation gain of 340 meters, taking about 1 hour and 20 minutes one way.

From Iwonicz-Zdrój and Lubatowa to Cergowa

The red trail from the north approaches Cergowa from the village of Lubatowa (5 km, 370 meters elevation gain, about 2 hours one way). You can also start this trail from Iwonicz-Zdrój. In this case, the distance is 9 km with an elevation gain of 490 meters, taking about 3 hours one way.

From Dukla to Cergowa

You can also start your hike to Cergowa directly from Dukla. This is the only trail that passes through the Millennium Reserve on Cergowa Mountain. An additional attraction is the opportunity to visit the forest chapel of St. John of Dukla and the spring called 'Golden Well'. This trail also includes a Stations of the Cross path. From the center of Dukla, the distance is 4.5 km with an elevation gain of 400 meters, taking about 2 hours one way. Alternatively, you can drive to the parking lot at the forest edge, reducing the distance to 2.5 km with an elevation gain of 355 meters, taking about 1 hour and 15 minutes one way.

Red trail to Cergowa and yellow arrow on a white background - marking the municipal path from Dukla through Cergowa to Zawadka Rymanowska
Red trail to Cergowa and yellow arrow on a white background - marking the municipal path from Dukla through Cergowa to Zawadka Rymanowska

Cergowa, 716 meters above sea level - Peak and Observation Tower

At the top of Cergowa, you will find a forest clearing with benches and an observation tower that allows you to rise above the tree crowns (at least some of them).

Clearing at the top of Cergowa Mountain, 716 meters above sea level
Clearing at the top of Cergowa Mountain, 716 meters above sea level
Observation Tower on Cergowa
Observation Tower on Cergowa

Did you know that the tower on Cergowa is designed to resemble traditional oil drilling towers, reflecting the region's oil industry heritage?

Observation tower on Cergowa - construction description
Observation tower on Cergowa - construction description

What Can You See from the Tower on Cergowa?

Thanks to the observation tower, you can enjoy beautiful panoramas of the Low Beskids - both its eastern part (Bukowica Range with Tokarnia), the southern Border Range, and the western part: Magura Range and Hańczowa Mountains with Lackowa.

View from the tower on Cergowa to the southwest
View from the tower on Cergowa to the southwest
View from the tower on Cergowa to the north
View from the tower on Cergowa to the north
View from the tower on Cergowa to the southeast
View from the tower on Cergowa to the southeast

On a clear day, you can even see the Tatra Mountains! A telescope will help you with the observations, and information boards will help you identify the peaks.

Part of the panorama description from the tower on Cergowa - including the Tatras!
Part of the panorama description from the tower on Cergowa - including the Tatras!

Cergowa Mountain: Facts and Interesting Stories

What should you know about Cergowa Mountain? Discover the most interesting stories about this peak!

Where Does the Name 'Cergowa' Come From?

The three-peaked mountain gets its name from the Celtic word 'cerg', meaning circle. It is also called 'Great Mountain' and 'Beskid's Giewont'.

Caves on Cergowa Mountain

Cergowa is famous for its numerous landslide caves. Unfortunately, due to the high risk of rock falls, they are not open to visitors. The caves on Cergowa have interesting names, such as 'Cave Where the Caver Fell' and 'Cave Where the Plane Fell'. The latter was discovered in 1944 after a German transport plane crash.

Tunnels Under Cergowa?

Due to the numerous caves and rock crevices in the area, legends have circulated about secret tunnels in the Cergowa massif. Supposedly, they lead all the way to the castle in Odrzykoń near Krosno. According to another story, a forester's dog entered a cave in Bosrsucze Holes and came out on the other side of the mountain, completely hairless!

St. John of Dukla and Cergowa

The forests on the slopes of Cergowa are associated with stories about St. John of Dukla. The 15th-century monk supposedly had his first hermitage here. Today, there is a spring and chapel called 'Golden Well' at the site.

Reservoir Under Cergowa?

There were plans to create a reservoir on the Jasiołka River in this area, which would have placed Cergowa by a lake!

Publish Date:

More in the Region Beskid Niski (Mountain range of the Low Beskids (Beskid Niski))
