TOP 5 Most Interesting Underground Routes in Podkarpackie

Underground tourist routes are an interesting attraction that adds an extra dimension to exploring museum exhibitions. Underground museums are also an additional attraction for children, for whom simply going underground will be an unforgettable adventure!

The Best and Most Interesting Underground Routes in Podkarpacie
The Best and Most Interesting Underground Routes in Podkarpacie

Where did the undergrounds in Podkarpacie come from?

The tourist routes in Podkarpackie cities are actually labyrinths of interconnected chambers and multi-level cellars used by merchants for storing goods. In ancient times, many Podkarpackie cities were located on important trade routes (e.g., Jarosław). Hundreds, if not thousands, of traders visited the fairs held there, and they needed warehouses and storage facilities.

Underground tourist routes - facts and curiosities

When trade conditions changed and travel and transportation of goods became faster and easier, the cellars ceased to be necessary. The soft loess rocks surrounding them began to be washed away by water. At the beginning of the 20th century, many cellars started to collapse, and in the mid-20th century, entire buildings began to disappear due to ground subsidence in markets in Jarosław or nearby Sandomierz!

Underground Tourist Route in Jarosław
Underground Tourist Route in Jarosław

Fortunately, after many years of research and work, scientists and experienced miners managed to secure the underground corridors, so they no longer pose a threat to the people living above them. The next step was to make them accessible as a tourist attraction, and in the 21st century, multimedia and interactive exhibits were introduced to the undergrounds, attracting more and more visitors!

So where in Podkarpacie can we visit underground tourist routes and what interesting things will we see there?

1. Rzeszowskie Piwnice: Underground Tourist Route

The recently modernized Rzeszowskie Piwnice route is a fascinating journey full of attractions through the history of the current capital of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, from the Middle Ages to the turbulent development of the city in the 20th century.

Rzeszowskie Piwnice: Underground Tourist Route

Rzeszowskie Piwnice: Underground Tourist Route

The underground tourist route under the Rzeszów Market Square is a multimedia and interactive journey through the history of the city and the region. ...

Rzeszowskie Piwnice - multimedia exhibits
Rzeszowskie Piwnice - multimedia exhibits

2. and 3. Undergrounds in Jarosław: two tourist routes

In the small Podkarpackie town with a great history, we have a choice of two underground routes! One is more "raw," consisting of traditional authentic cellars and a labyrinth of corridors, while the other is full of exhibits, including multimedia and interactive stations. These routes complement each other perfectly, so it's best to visit both!

Underground Tourist Route in Jarosław

Underground Tourist Route in Jarosław

The Professor Feliks Zalewski Underground Tourist Route in Jarosław is one of the oldest underground tourist routes in Poland. A guided tour will reveal many interesting facts about the city's history. ...

Underground Tourist Passage - Jarosław

Underground Tourist Passage - Jarosław

The Underground Tourist Passage in Jarosław is one of the city's biggest attractions. In rooms located in deep cellars under three tenement houses, a diverse exhibition has been arranged, where you can learn about the most important facts and interesting stories from the city's history. ...

4. Underground Route in Przemyśl

The multimedia underground route in Przemyśl is one of the many attractions visited by tourists exploring the city. It is also an opportunity to learn about the city's history and the customs of its residents.

Przemysl Underground - Underground Tourist Route in Przemysl

Przemysl Underground - Underground Tourist Route in Przemysl

The Underground Tourist Route in Przemysl is a combined tourist trail of old city cellars and sewers. After its renovation in 2023, the multimedia and interactive exhibition has become one of the most interesting tourist attractions in the city. ...

Underground Tourist Route in Przemyśl
Underground Tourist Route in Przemyśl

5. Not "underground," but... "underwater"!

If you enjoy exploring underground routes, you may also be interested in the opportunity to walk through the corridors inside the largest water dam in Poland. This time, you will be walking not underground, but underwater!

Visiting the Power Plant in Solina Dam

Visiting the Power Plant in Solina Dam

The water dam and hydroelectric power plant are the main attractions of Solina. It's worth stopping here on your way to the Bieszczady Mountains! Thanks to them, the "Bieszczady Sea" - Lake Solina was created on the San River. Today, tourists can engage in various water sports, go fishing, take a walk on the dam's crest, and also visit its interior and the hydroelectric power plant. ...

Interior of the Solina Dam - photograph in the hall of the cash building at the entrance to the power plant
Interior of the Solina Dam - photograph in the hall of the cash building at the entrance to the power plant

Map of underground routes in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship

You can find the exact locations of the places described above on the map in the article header.

Other interesting underground routes

Perhaps you are also interested in underground routes in neighboring voivodeships? It is definitely worth visiting the Undergrounds in Sandomierz, the salt mines in Bochnia and Wieliczka, or the Underground Museum of the Market Square in Kraków.

The most interesting underground museum routes. Małopolska and Podkarpacie

The most interesting underground museum routes. Małopolska and Podkarpacie

A museum underground? Is that a good idea? Of course! Underground museum routes offer an intriguing blend of adventure and history of the cities they lie beneath. Plus, it's a great idea for a walk in any weather: heat, rain or frost. Here are the most interesting undergrounds in Małopolska and Podkarpacie. ...

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