Maciejowa: All Trails, Views, and Attractions

Maciejowa (836 meters above sea level) is one of the most popular and easily accessible peaks in the Gorce Mountains. What should you know about this place? How to get there, which trail to choose, and what attractions and views await you at the top?

Table of Contents
PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa
PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa

Attractions - Why Visit Maciejowa?

Why is Maciejowa so popular among tourists of all ages? The main reasons are its easy accessibility (the shortest trails are only 2-3 km long), beautiful panoramas and scenic meadows, and the opportunity to rest in a quiet and atmospheric shelter.

Views from Maciejowa

What can you see from the shelter on Maciejowa? The most impressive view is the sharp peaks of the Tatra Mountains. You can admire them from the meadow or from the shelter's window.

Bench near PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa - View of the Tatra Mountains
Bench near PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa - View of the Tatra Mountains
Mountain Hut on Maciejowa - panorama of the Tatra Mountains from the hut
Mountain Hut on Maciejowa - panorama of the Tatra Mountains from the hut

To the north, you can see Babia G贸ra and Polica mountains:

View from Maciejowa to the west: Bukowi艅ski Wierch range, Babia G贸ra, Polica
View from Maciejowa to the west: Bukowi艅ski Wierch range, Babia G贸ra, Polica

...and to the north, you can see Beskid Makowski and Beskid Wyspowy (especially the long ridge of Luba艅 Wielki):

Benches near the shelter on Maciejowa - View to the northwest
Benches near the shelter on Maciejowa - View to the northwest

How to Get to Maciejowa?

Only two trails pass by the meadow with the shelter: the red and black trails (the black trail ends here). However, there are many more routes to reach Maciejowa!

Red and black trails to Maciejowa
Red and black trails to Maciejowa

The Easiest and Shortest Trail to Maciejowa

The shortest and easiest (with the least elevation gain) route to the shelter on Maciejowa is the green trail from Jasionowa. It is mostly a comfortable, shaded forest road. The views are at the beginning and when the green trail joins the red trail at Polana Przys艂op.

Easiest Trail to Maciejowa


Easiest Trail to Maciejowa

max 883 m min 771 m
straighten 2.2km
timer 59min
north_east 175m
south_east 102m
Polana Przys艂op - on the way to the shelter on Maciejowa
Polana Przys艂op - on the way to the shelter on Maciejowa

The Most Popular Trail to Maciejowa

Most hikers choose the scenic red trail from Rabka-Zdr贸j. You can start this walk either from the town center or from the edge of the meadows (parking areas). The trail follows a gravel road through meadows and then enters steep forest paths.

Red Trail from Rabka to Maciejowa


Red Trail from Rabka to Maciejowa

max 849 m min 482 m
straighten 5.9km
timer 2h 28min
north_east 398m
south_east 36m
Red Trail from Rabka-Zdr贸j to Maciejowa
Red Trail from Rabka-Zdr贸j to Maciejowa

Black Trail and Loop to Maciejowa from Rabka-Zdr贸j

An alternative to the red trail from Rabka-Zdr贸j is the black trail starting from the Rabka S艂one neighborhood. It is shorter, steeper, and more shaded. You can also combine it with the red trail to make a loop.

Black Trail to Maciejowa from Rabka S艂one


Black Trail to Maciejowa from Rabka S艂one

max 849 m min 545 m
straighten 3.4km
timer 1h 38min
north_east 317m
south_east 18m
Black trail from Rabka S艂one to Maciejowa - View to the north. Beskid Wyspowy (Lubogoszcz, 艢nieznica, 膯wilin, 艁opie艅), and in front of them, Gorce hills (Potaczkowa and Adamczykowa)
Black trail from Rabka S艂one to Maciejowa - View to the north. Beskid Wyspowy (Lubogoszcz, 艢nieznica, 膯wilin, 艁opie艅), and in front of them, Gorce hills (Potaczkowa and Adamczykowa)

Loop to Maciejowa via Stare Wierchy from Por臋ba

Another loop to Maciejowa starts from Por臋ba. On this route, you first visit Stare Wierchy and then follow a forested ridge to Maciejowa.

Loop from Por臋ba: Stare Wierchy and Maciejowa


Loop from Por臋ba: Stare Wierchy and Maciejowa

max 978 m min 629 m
straighten 12.9km
timer 4h 43min
north_east 603m
south_east 603m
Loop: Stare Wierchy - Maciejowa: red trail
Loop: Stare Wierchy - Maciejowa: red trail

From Obidowa via Stare Wierchy to Maciejowa

You can also reach the ridge connecting Stare Wierchy and Maciejowa from the south, i.e., from Obidowa. The route Obidowa - green trail to Stare Wierchy - red trail to Maciejowa is a total of 7 km, about 300 meters of elevation gain, which takes about 2.5 hours one way.

Stare Wierchy from Obidowa - winter


Stare Wierchy from Obidowa - winter

max 971 m min 780 m
straighten 1.5km
timer 51min
north_east 192m
south_east 3m

Other Trails to Maciejowa

How else can you reach Maciejowa? Here are a few other ideas:

  • Green trail from the village of Ponice, which is less than 3 km and 270 meters of elevation gain, taking about 1:15 hours one way.
  • Black trail from Rabka Zaryte via Grzebie艅: first follow the black signs to Poniatowskiego Street in the Rabka S艂one neighborhood. Then go up S艂onki and join the black trail Rabka S艂one - Maciejowa.
  • Blue trail from Rabka Zaryte, via the tower on Polaczk贸wka. Follow the blue trail through Kr贸lewska G贸ra to Rabka-Zdr贸j and then continue on the blue signs to the Rabka S艂one neighborhood, and from there take the black trail to Maciejowa (a total of about 3 hours, nearly 9 km, 500 meters of elevation gain one way). You can also go through the center of Rabka-Zdr贸j and join the red trail (described above). This will be a similar distance: 9 km, a bit more elevation gain: 520 meters, and also about 3 hours.

PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa - Facts and Curiosities

What else is worth knowing about Maciejowa and the shelter located below its peak? Here are some facts and curiosities about this unique place.

Mountain Hut on Maciejowa
Mountain Hut on Maciejowa

Shelter or Bac贸wka on Maciejowa?

What is the difference between a shelter and a bac贸wka? A bac贸wka is a type of shelter, a more intimate version. According to the creator of the "bac贸wka" network, Edward Moska艂a, these types of facilities were meant to serve individual tourists rather than groups. They were supposed to have a cozy atmosphere, overseen by a host called a "baca."

An element of the decor in each bac贸wka included hand-painted maps of the area by Edward Moska艂a:

Edward Moska艂a and his hand-painted map of the Gorce Mountains in the PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa
Edward Moska艂a and his hand-painted map of the Gorce Mountains in the PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa

Does the Bac贸wka on Maciejowa Have a Twin Sister?

Yes! And not just one! The bac贸wkas designed by Edward Moska艂a were built (with a few exceptions) according to a single project by Stanis艂aw Karpiel. Out of the 14 bac贸wkas, called "moska艂贸wkas," the twins of Maciejowa include the bac贸wkas on Rycerzowa, Krawcowy Wierch, in Bartne, and under Ma艂a Rawka.

Bac贸wka PTTK on Rycerzowa - view of Babia G贸ra
Bac贸wka PTTK on Rycerzowa - view of Babia G贸ra

What Makes the Bac贸wka on Maciejowa Different from Other "Moska艂贸wkas"?

Although the bac贸wkas were initially built according to a single project, they have changed slightly over the years due to their caretakers. The uniqueness of the PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa includes its careful, artistic decor, created by graduates of the Antoni Kenar High School of Fine Arts in Zakopane.

Artistic decor elements in the PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa
Artistic decor elements in the PTTK Shelter on Maciejowa

Where is the Bac贸wka on Maciejowa Located?

Do you reach the summit of Maciejowa when you arrive at the bac贸wka? Not yet! The summit of Maciejowa, 836 meters above sea level, is located in the forest to the west of the meadow (unfortunately, it is not marked). The place where the bac贸wka is located is Polana Przys艂op.

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