Krakow - Viewpoints of the City and Beyond

What can you see from Krakow? Of course, Krakow itself, but not only that! Discover with us the most beautiful and interesting viewpoints in Krakow: both the historic Old Town, the entire city, and its surroundings, all the way to the Tatra Mountains!

Sikornik Hill - viewpoint
Sikornik Hill - viewpoint

Viewpoints of the Old Town in Krakow

If you want to see the historic center of Krakow from above, you can go to the viewing terrace in the Cloth Hall (free!), the tower of St. Mary's Basilica, or the Town Hall Tower:

Climbing the steep steps to the Town Hall Tower will require the most effort, but it's really worth it! Note: entrance is paid, and the tower is closed in the winter season.

Town Hall Tower in the Market Square in Krakow

Town Hall Tower in the Market Square in Krakow

Town Hall Tower in Krakow. The brick tower standing in the market square is a remnant of the old town hall building, which housed the city council, office, and even a granary. ...

Town Hall Tower in Krakow - view from the tower to the Market Square
Town Hall Tower in Krakow - view from the tower to the Market Square

Interesting views also await you on Wawel Hill, for example, from the window near the Sigismund Bell or from the royal gardens (entrance is paid).

Zygmunt Bell - View from the tower
Zygmunt Bell - View from the tower

From the viewing terrace on Wawel Hill above the Vistula River, you can see St. Bronis艂awa Hill with Ko艣ciuszko Mound, Wolski Forest, Pi艂sudski Mound, and even the towers of the Camaldolese Monastery in Bielany.

Unusual viewpoints also include the "Balloon Viewing Platform" and the "Cracow Eye" Ferris wheel located by the Vistula River.

The Most Beautiful View of the Old Town in Krakow

Although a bit "from a distance," but with the possibility of a picnic and a break from the city hustle, is the Krakus Mound. From here, you can see all the towers of Krakow's Old Town - how many can you recognize?

Krakus Mound and Liban Quarry

Krakus Mound and Liban Quarry

Krakus Mound is a proposal for a family walk and a magnificent viewpoint of the Old Town in Krakow. ...

View from the mound - panorama and meadows under the Krakus Mound
View from the mound - panorama and meadows under the Krakus Mound

Krakow's Mounds

A bit further from the city center are more of Krakow's mounds: Ko艣ciuszko Mound on Sowiniec and Pi艂sudski Mound in Wolski Forest (the neglected Wanda Mound is in Nowa Huta and unfortunately, there's not much to see from it...).

View from Ko艣ciuszko Mound

Ko艣ciuszko Mound rises on St. Bronis艂awa Hill above Krakow's B艂onia. From the viewpoint on the mound, you can see the entire city! Note: entrance is paid! The ticket includes access to the mound and a visit to the Ko艣ciuszko Museum, the Krakow Fortress exhibition, and the wax figures exhibition.

Ko艣ciuszko Mound - Viewpoint and Museum

Ko艣ciuszko Mound - Viewpoint and Museum

Ko艣ciuszko Mound is a unique tourist attraction that combines history, nature, and a chance for a family walk. ...

View from Pi艂sudski Mound

Entrance to the mound is free. At its base, there is a large picnic meadow with a playground (unfortunately, without views). The easiest way to get here is from the Zoo or one of the many trails:

The youngest of Krakow's mounds is on Sowiniec. Did you know that it's the highest point in Krakow? From Pi艂sudski Mound, you can see the entire green sea of Wolski Forest at your feet, a horizon full of mountains, and even the Balice airport area - a great observation point for airplane enthusiasts!

Pi艂sudski Mound in Wolski Forest

Pi艂sudski Mound in Wolski Forest

The highest of the mounds in Krakow: the Pi艂sudski Mound on Sowi艅iec (also known as the Independence Mound in honor of J贸zef Pi艂sudski) ...

Pi艂sudski Mound - view of the mountains: the characteristic silhouette of Babia G贸ra
Pi艂sudski Mound - view of the mountains: the characteristic silhouette of Babia G贸ra

Where in Krakow Can You See the Tatra Mountains?

Maybe even from your window? Yes, some lucky people can! But if you're not one of them or want to go for a city picnic with a view of the mountains, we have a few ideas for you.

You can definitely see the Tatra Mountains from the tops of the mounds: Ko艣ciuszko and Pi艂sudski, but also from many other, not so high points.

The Most Beautiful Viewpoint in Krakow

In our opinion, the number one viewpoint in Krakow is the clearing on Sikornik. In good weather, you can see a wide panorama of the Beskid ranges, from Beskid Wyspowy, Gorce, Beskid Makowski, Ma艂y, and 呕ywiecki, with the Tatra Mountains reigning over them, and to the west, the massif of the Beskid queen: Babia G贸ra.

Uroczysko Sikornik - attractions and curiosities

Uroczysko Sikornik - attractions and curiosities

Uroczysko Sikornik is located in the western part of Krakow, between the Rudawa Valley and B艂onia to the north, and the Vistula River to the south. It is a forest full of walking paths and picnic clearings, as well as a beautiful viewpoint to the south. ...

Wide panorama from the viewpoint clearing at Sikornik
Wide panorama from the viewpoint clearing at Sikornik

Unknown Viewpoints in Krakow

In the city, you will also find many unobvious, unusual, and unknown viewpoints. One of them is Zakrz贸wek and the Twardowski Rocks Nature Reserve:

Twardowski Rocks Wilderness

Twardowski Rocks Wilderness

Twardowski Rocks Wilderness When entering the Twardowski Rocks Wilderness from Tyniecka Street (at the Ska艂y Twardowskiego ...

Twardowski Rocks
Twardowski Rocks

Also, the hill above Bronowice, from which you can see the city at the foot of the Sowiniec Range and the Sikornik Nature Reserve with Ko艣ciuszko Mound:

From Bronowice to the Cross under Lipka


From Bronowice to the Cross under Lipka

max 269 m min 232 m
straighten 1.0km
timer 20min
north_east 38m
south_east 3m
Path to the Cross under Lipka - view of Wawel and Ko艣ciuszko Mound
Path to the Cross under Lipka - view of Wawel and Ko艣ciuszko Mound
Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2023-05-21